Friday, February 24, 2012

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They cite evidence that 1 in 2 women will

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. If not prevented or if left untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks. These broken bones, also known as fractures, occur typically in the hip, spine and wrist. For prevention of osteoporosis use of soybean research, about 10 million people suffer from osteoporosis in the United States, including women constitute 80% of cases. They cite evidence that 1 in 2 women will suffer from osteoporosis-related fracture in her life.19 anabol testo Using more than retail soy isoflavones supplements are common in postmenopausal women to prevent osteoporosis. Previous studies have shown that isoflavones

soy can help prevent osteoporosis and reduce the symptoms of menopause. This is in contrast to the current North American tendency to over-consumption of dairy products to try to prevent it. In Asian countries where calcium from the diary of sources, perhaps 10% of Western countries, osteoporosis is practically unknown. Short-term studies have shown isoflavones have powerful bone building properties that inhibit the activity of cells (osteoclasts), which are responsible for bone destruction by stimulating the activity of cells (osteoblasts) that build bone. Clinical data show that 80 mg of isoflavones per day is necessary to obtain the benefits associated with bone health. Isoflavones help in maintaining bones and fight osteoporosis. Despite the much weaker estrogen, isoflavones provide powerful influence building bone. This is the reason why China and Japan, osteoporosis is very rare after menopause, despite the low consumption of dairy products, while in Europe and North America, is back. Important isoflavones genistein and daidzeina. Isoflavones genistein is mainly responsible for reducing menopausal symptoms, while daidzeina very protective isoflavones against osteoporosis. In humans, there is a constant process of destruction and recycling of bones. Osteoclast cells that break bone, and osteoblasts build up bone. If osteoclast activity is higher than in osteoblasts, is a gradual decline in bone strength that leads to osteoporosis. Isoflavones inhibit the activity of osteoclasts by stimulating osteoblast activity. This moderate incentive enough to encourage lasix online continuous education bones. Isoflavones therefore offer a real alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in women who can not or do not want to take hormones. Chen Yu-Ming showed in his study of "beneficial effects of soy isoflavones on bone mineral content was modified years after menopause, body weight and calcium intake: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial

" that soy isoflavones favorably affect the (BMC), especially if the woman for 4 years in menopause, had lower body weight or low calcium. Research 2004 for soy and osteoporosis concluded that until more specific data is available, although soy foods and isoflavones can not be regarded as a substitute for the established anti-osteoporosis drug specialists care may feel justified in encouraging postmenopausal women concerned about bone health include soy products in their diet. (Messina M, Ho S, Alekel DL).

If you are worried about expenditure of soy products like tofu and soy milk, you lucky! C, you can make delicious, pure soy milk less than 15 minutes >> << compared to buying in a store. This is a simple process, and is well set out, illustrated guide with full instructions. .

Pthe dangers of smoking as well

What is the cause of each case of osteoporosis? PThis be

mind, but no answer to this question. Medical experts say in terms of risk factors for osteoporosis (and

indeed for many diseases. PIF you one of these risk factors, you >> << are at greater risk of osteoporosis, but there is no guarantee

disease will develop Pand true otherwise. people from many factors >> << risk does not necessarily see a significant decrease in bone density >> << Risk factors can be divided into those that you can not and control.

those that you have some influence. Age older you get, the more you are susceptible to osteoporosis, which is

progressive disease. PYour decrease bone density before

more osteoporosis in point is correct. sex with women more likely to get osteoporosis, but men can get it too. Heredity It runs in families. PPeople, whose parents had a more

chance of developing osteoporosis. PAlso, very thin people actually

people with small bones, are at increased risk. PBone size mainly

inheritance, although it may depend on malnutrition in childhood. Health problems, including Cushing's disease, hormone disorders and

hyperparathyroidism (too many hormone parathyroid glands) and

problem digestion and absorption of nutrients (Crohn's disease, celiac disease

) are risk factors, too. PThyroid violations leading to the

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism (too many and too little hormone)

is a risk factor. limb paralysis significantly increases the risk of a bone

not stressed. PMany confined to a wheelchair osteoporosis in men

thigh. PThink of it as an extreme case of sedentary life

low activity and exercise puts people at risk. alcohol, and even

caffeine consumption increases the risk of osteoporosis >>. << P effect of caffeine is weak, but it was documented

PCaffeine consumption increases the risk of osteoporosis, perhaps, lower rate of osteoblast cells Chinese researchers

. which is actually bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (SKKM) -., which are precursors of osteoblasts - which are more sensitive to caffeine. Alcohol has some advantages for health I

, in moderation, but it also has systemic effects and

increase the rate of many diseases. Smoking is well known that major health risks, increasing the risk

not only lung cancer but Many diseases and conditions. PSmoking leads to problems throughout the body, as

short and long term. PThe dangers of smoking as well

publicity and repeated that it can be easily set them or forget that

Smoking affects not only the lungs. Smoking stunts the growth of new bone cells. PResearchers is

, found that tobacco smoke lasix furosemide increases the risk not only from your

osteoporosis, but the risk increases the longer you continue to smoke. PIN

In other words, if you stop smoking, you slow down the increase in risk. In fact, there is a link between smoking and low bone density

. PThe connection to the risk of fractures of the bones weaker.10 facts about the immune system Lower back pain is more common in smokers. PWhile direct >> << cause pain can come from various sources, one of the options is that >> << lumbar discs do not receive enough oxygen and the disease develops. PAfter

Surgery broken hip, those who smoke heal slower than

who does not. Women who smoke produce less estrogen and typically begins menopause >> << back. PThese increase the risk of osteoporosis. PThere also

evidence that calcium is not well absorbed by smokers. pack a day habit leads to 5 to 10 percent lower bone density in menopausal

. Eating Disorders as bulimia and anorexia increases the risk of simply

reduce nutrients entering the bloodstream. diet is negligible risk factor, perhaps. PThe effects of diet on

healthy people to risk of osteoporosis >> << ; not clear. PReally low calcium intake during the year seems

play a role. PDeficiency in childhood and adolescence

serious damage and may lead to osteoporosis in later life. Some people claim that the Atkins diet or type of Pale increases risk >> << osteoporosis, but evidence is insufficient. Being a couch potato, a risk factor. PIF you will not get much physical exercise

, your chances of getting brittle bones increases. PIndeed,

, exercise is recommended as a way to prevent osteoporosis, or at least

, to reduce the chances of getting it. However, obese people are at lower risk of developing osteoporosis than thin people. Very rapid weight loss can actually put one at risk. PThe problem

that reduction is not all fat or adipose tissue. PMuscle lost, and

some bone lost too. anorexia also have high rates of osteoporosis. Some drugs cause bone loss as a side effect and may

increase the risk of osteoporosis. PThe corticosteroid drugs

widely used in inflammatory processes can lead to bone loss if they use

for a long period of time. PProton pump inhibitors

heartburn (acid reflux) and aromatase inhibitors as cancer

bone loss in the list of side effects. UpToDate. com is a good page on risk factors at http://www UpToDate COM / Hold / patient information osteoporosis prevention and treatment

Last Updated: January 22, 2012 .. << >>

The main evaluation criteria: average and regional ...

11C-PIB images of human immunodeficiency virus associated neyrokohnityvnyh disorders.

sex immune system
Arch Neurol. 2012 Jan; 69 (1) :72-7

Authors: resonances BM, Benzinger TL, Thomas J. Christensen J, Venkat R, Teshome M, P Aldea, phage A., D. Holtsman , J. Morris Clifford DB

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate how amyloid-binding agent carbon 11-labeled Pittsburgh Connection B ((11) C-PIB) can differentiate Alzheimer's disease (AD) with the human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV)-related disorders neyrokohnityvnyh (HAND) in middle-aged HIV-infected persons. DESIGN: (11) C-PIB scan, clinical evaluation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis was carried out. And (2) and t tests assessed differences in clinical and demographic variables between HIV-infected participants and non-living person observed in Alzheimer's disease research Knight Center (ADRC). Dispersion analysis of the assessment of regional differences in amyloid-b protein 1-42 (Ab42), using (11) C-PIB. SETTING: ADRC and treatment of HIV. PARTICIPANTS: sixteen HIV-infected participants (11 cognitively normal and 5 out of hands) and 19 ADRC participants (8 cognitively normal and 11 with symptoms of AD). MAIN EVENT: average and regional (11) C-PIB binding potential. Results: Participants with symptoms of AD were older (PPP. 001) had lower levels of Ab42 CSF (PPP. 001) and had higher levels of CSF tau (PPP. 001) than in other groups. Regardless of the degree of HIV-infected participants did not increase (11) C-PIB level. Medium and regional binding potentials were increased for the symptomatic lasix drug side effects participants AD (PPP. 001). CONCLUSIONS: The middle-aged HIV-infected participants, even with hands, do not show increased (11) C-PIB levels, while symptomatic individuals AD increased fibrillar Ab42 deposition in cortical and subcortical regions. The observed differences between hand and AD may reflect differences in the metabolism of Ab42. (11) C-PIB can serve as diagnostic biomarkers for selection of symptomatic AD from the hands of middle-aged HIV-infected persons. The future of the transverse and longitudinal studies necessary to evaluate the usefulness of (11) C-PIB in elderly people with arms. .

These athletes feet, hips, spines, and ...

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Recent studies have shown that the risk of osteoporosis is lower for people who are active,

, and especially those who are or have activities

least three times a week. As

you can prevent osteoporosis? Muscles pull on bone builds bone, so

bearing exercise builds dense, strong bones. The more bone mass you build

under 25 or 30, the better you'll be a year >> << gradual bone loss. Exercise can also help you maintain bone density later in life

. >> << The best exercises for building bone or weight bearing exercises. These include weightlifting, running, hiking, stair climbing, step aerobics, dance

, racket sports and other activities that require muscle

work against gravity. Swimming and simply walking, although good for fitness

cardiovascular system, not of the best exercises for building bone. Thirty minutes of weight-bearing exercise daily benefits not only your

bones, but also improves heart health, muscle strength, coordination and balance. These 30 minutes should not be done immediately, it is as good for you

10 minutes at a time. If you already have

osteoporosis, you might wonder whether or not to exercise at all. The answer to this question for most people it is. You should check with your doctor

find out what types of exercises you can safely do to preserve bone and

strengthen your back and hips. Keep in mind that exercise only

can not prevent or treat osteoporosis. Exercise

Tips: Even if you do not have osteoporosis, you should check with your health

, treating before you start exercise program. Remember

to warm up before and cool at the end of each session of exercise >>. << For the best benefit your bone health, combine several different

bearing exercises. How >> << you build strength, increase resistance or weight, not repetition. Remember

drink plenty of water when exercising, especially here in Arizona. Vary

types of exercises you do each week. Combine

weight bearing and resistance exercise with aerobic exercises that help

improve overall health. Bring

your friend to help you keep going or better yet, take your family

and encourage them to be healthy. Add

more physical activity into your day, climb the ladder in comparison with the elevator, park

way forward, and go to your office colleagues, not by email. Put

LIVE in action! I - intensity

builds strong bones. V - Vary

types of exercises and routines to maintain interest. E - Enjoy

exercise. Make exercise lasix fun so that you will continue in the future! Opinion more >> << Resources: A study conducted by the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

(ASMBR) measured the bone density of athletes that show that the IPC above

in all sports, including weightlifting , gymnastics and soccer. These athletes feet, hips, spines, and hands showed bone density >> << that was on average 13% higher than non-athletes. Read more about it. .

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What causes emphysema smoking is a major ...

Emphysema Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and causes shortness of breath due to destruction or damage to lung tissue, is involved in the exchange of air. This applies in particular to air sacs in the lungs and the elastic fibers that hold open the airways leading to the air sacs, so that the airways collapse during exhalation the patient, preventing air from escaping into the lungs. In addition, preventing air emphysema also prevents blood flowb by acting on the capillaries lung tissue, causing the blood can not carry oxygen to the lungs more efficiently. What causes emphysema Smoking is a major cause of emphysema. The longer a person smokes, the more radical action of cilia (tiny hairs that line the respiratory tract) is violated, leading to a decrease in clearance of mucous secretions from the lower respiratory tract. Mucous build-up provide a favorable environment for breeding bacteria that cause infection. Smoking also affects the immune cells in the lungs, making them weak to fight infection. Because inflammation caused by the weakening of the immune system that is to attack bacteria and resin, immune cells can release destructive enzymes that cause loss of proteins that hold the light elastic. Airborne irritants also act similarly. Another cause of emphysema include deficiency of the enzyme alpha-1-antitrypsin, which fights the destructive enzymes in the lungs called trypsin (or protease). Lack of the enzyme alpha-1-antitrypsin trypsin will destroy lung tissue, reduce lung capacity to perform. Emphysema can be hereditary, inherited susceptibility or tissue response to smoke and other irritants. Symptoms of colon polyps treatment of emphysema is the most important and effective way to treat emphysema, because it stops the lungs from damage in the future. These drugs relax the muscles around bronchioles that opens airways better ensure a more efficient exchange of air. There are different types of bronchodilators, prescribed according to severity of emphysema. For patients who have emphysema and mild with intermittent shortness of breath, albuterol (Ventolin Proventil or) in the form of metered dose inhalers (MDIs) are the most frequently usedBЂ "as BЂњrescueBЂ drug". Ipratropiyu bromide (Atrovent), and is used for relatively mild emphysema, given at specified intervals and lasts longer than albuterol. would Tiotropiium (Spiriva), once a day is ipratropium, which has long been idle. There are other bronchodilators with different properties for different purposes, for example. theophylline in tablet form for oral administration. Antibiotics for patients with increased shortness of breath or when the normally transparent color of sputum changes or when there are other signs of infection such as fever. There are two variants of operations can be performed on patients with emphysema: the reduction of lung surgery (LVRS) and lung transplantation. How to Prevent Emphysema best way to prevent emphysema to avoid smoking or quit smoking for existing smokers lasix furosemide. In cigarette smoke, avoid inhaling other irritants, such as avoiding environment pollution of air, may also prevent emphysema. Taking medicines and medical treatment to the appearance of signs or symptoms of respiratory infection or shortness of breath may decrease flash emphysema. Taking vaccines, such as Pneumococcal vaccine may help prevent respiratory infections. .

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