What is the cause of each case of osteoporosis? PThis be
mind, but no answer to this question. Medical experts say in terms of risk factors for osteoporosis (and
indeed for many diseases. PIF you one of these risk factors, you >> << are at greater risk of osteoporosis, but there is no guarantee
disease will develop Pand true otherwise. people from many factors >> << risk does not necessarily see a significant decrease in bone density >> << Risk factors can be divided into those that you can not and control.
those that you have some influence. Age older you get, the more you are susceptible to osteoporosis, which is
progressive disease. PYour decrease bone density before
more osteoporosis in point is correct. sex with women more likely to get osteoporosis, but men can get it too. Heredity It runs in families. PPeople, whose parents had a more
chance of developing osteoporosis. PAlso, very thin people actually
people with small bones, are at increased risk. PBone size mainly
inheritance, although it may depend on malnutrition in childhood. Health problems, including Cushing's disease, hormone disorders and
hyperparathyroidism (too many hormone parathyroid glands) and
problem digestion and absorption of nutrients (Crohn's disease, celiac disease
) are risk factors, too. PThyroid violations leading to the
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism (too many and too little hormone)
is a risk factor. limb paralysis significantly increases the risk of a bone
not stressed. PMany confined to a wheelchair osteoporosis in men
thigh. PThink of it as an extreme case of sedentary life
low activity and exercise puts people at risk. alcohol, and even
caffeine consumption increases the risk of osteoporosis >>. << P effect of caffeine is weak, but it was documented
PCaffeine consumption increases the risk of osteoporosis, perhaps, lower rate of osteoblast cells Chinese researchers
. which is actually bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (SKKM) -., which are precursors of osteoblasts - which are more sensitive to caffeine. Alcohol has some advantages for health I
, in moderation, but it also has systemic effects and
increase the rate of many diseases. Smoking is well known that major health risks, increasing the risk
not only lung cancer but Many diseases and conditions. PSmoking leads to problems throughout the body, as
short and long term. PThe dangers of smoking as well
publicity and repeated that it can be easily set them or forget that
Smoking affects not only the lungs. Smoking stunts the growth of new bone cells. PResearchers is
, found that tobacco smoke lasix furosemide increases the risk not only from your
osteoporosis, but the risk increases the longer you continue to smoke. PIN
In other words, if you stop smoking, you slow down the increase in risk. In fact, there is a link between smoking and low bone density
. PThe connection to the risk of fractures of the bones weaker.
Lower back pain is more common in smokers. PWhile direct >> << cause pain can come from various sources, one of the options is that >> << lumbar discs do not receive enough oxygen and the disease develops. PAfter
Surgery broken hip, those who smoke heal slower than
who does not. Women who smoke produce less estrogen and typically begins menopause >> << back. PThese increase the risk of osteoporosis. PThere also
evidence that calcium is not well absorbed by smokers. pack a day habit leads to 5 to 10 percent lower bone density in menopausal
. Eating Disorders as bulimia and anorexia increases the risk of simply
reduce nutrients entering the bloodstream. diet is negligible risk factor, perhaps. PThe effects of diet on
healthy people to risk of osteoporosis >> << ; not clear. PReally low calcium intake during the year seems
play a role. PDeficiency in childhood and adolescence
serious damage and may lead to osteoporosis in later life. Some people claim that the Atkins diet or type of Pale increases risk >> << osteoporosis, but evidence is insufficient. Being a couch potato, a risk factor. PIF you will not get much physical exercise
, your chances of getting brittle bones increases. PIndeed,
, exercise is recommended as a way to prevent osteoporosis, or at least
, to reduce the chances of getting it. However, obese people are at lower risk of developing osteoporosis than thin people. Very rapid weight loss can actually put one at risk. PThe problem
that reduction is not all fat or adipose tissue. PMuscle lost, and
some bone lost too. anorexia also have high rates of osteoporosis. Some drugs cause bone loss as a side effect and may
increase the risk of osteoporosis. PThe corticosteroid drugs
widely used in inflammatory processes can lead to bone loss if they use
for a long period of time. PProton pump inhibitors
heartburn (acid reflux) and aromatase inhibitors as cancer
bone loss in the list of side effects. UpToDate. com is a good page on risk factors at http://www UpToDate COM / Hold / patient information osteoporosis prevention and treatment
Last Updated: January 22, 2012 .. << >>